Eating healthfully doesn’t have to be boring or expensive.
It is important that along with meeting all our nutritional requirements and working to protect ourselves from avoidable chronic illness; that we enjoy the tastes and social importance of gathering together and eating.
Soups and dips are a great way to bring together nutrient dense ingredients, creating amazing flavours to be shared as a light meal or as starters. Soups are very effective at creating unique combinations of nutrients that can work together synergistically to provide more benefits then they might as individual ingredients; a little like the traditional Chinese approach to herbal formulations.
Likewise, dips can be a fantastic opportunity to load up on the benefits of herbs and spices in a fun way.
Although the daily practice of have a dessert is not recommended due to the higher fat and sugars content, it is possible to amalgamate a wide range of raw wholefood ingredients into some amazing rich and satisfying sweet treats.
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